KYC Dharma talk, Sept 28 2022 Signless Samadhi

This video clip is a Dharma talk describing Signless Samadhi. The speaker considers that Silent Illumination and Shikantaza are the same meditations. He describes samadhi, then what signs are, then signless samadhi.

KYC Dharma talk March 17, 2022: Healing from the grief and trauma of the floods

This is a Dharma talk given at the Kuan Yin Centre Lismore, NSW Australia after devastating floods with loss of life and destruction of thousands of homes and businesses. It talks about how we develop a traumatic response… Read More

KYC Dharma talk February 10, 2022. What is mind and resting in awareness

This is a Dharma talk given at the Kuan Yin Centre, Lismore NSW Australia on the 10th of February, 2022. It is about what mind or heart-mind is and resting in awareness.

KYC Meditation Nov 24, 2021: 8 of 16 steps for mindfulness of breathing

This recording is guidance in the first 8 steps of the 16 steps of mindfulness of breathing, as described in the Buddha’s Anapanasati Sutta (mindfulness of breathing discourse). It involves establishing mindfulness on breathing, relaxation of the body,… Read More

KYC Dharma talk, Nov 24, 2021 The Buddha’s discourse on mindfulness of breathing

This 23 minute talk was given at the Kuan Yin Centre in Lismore NSW on Nov 24 2021. This recording provides a very brief overview of the Buddha’s discourse on mindfulness of breathing or the Anapanasati sutta. This… Read More

KYC Dharma talk Oct 20, 2021 Emptiness and love.

This is a recording of a talk given at the Kuan Yin Centre on October 20th, 2021. It describes three pathways to realise emptiness: 1. Via mindfulness 2. Via graduated steps of perception and 3. By abiding in… Read More

KYC Meditation exercise Aug 18, 2021, related to talk on letting go of the ego

This is a meditation exercise related to the talk, letting go of the ego given online on Aug 18, 2021. It guided the listener into noticing the suffering related to clinging to pride of self concepts then letting… Read More

KYC Dharma Talk online August 18, 2021: Letting go of the ego

This talk, which was recorded online, begins by paying homage to the Buddha, the awakened one and then taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It is about dropping the conceit “I am”, which in Pali is… Read More

KYC Dharma talk, March 10, 2021. Thinking and the choice to engage or disengage

This is a video recording from the Kuan Yin Centre, Lismore NSW. It is about how we work with proliferating thinking processes when they are not helpful. It mentions how what we attend to can become our reality,… Read More

KYC Practice, Dec 12, 2020 The five recollections

This video clip involves reflections on the inevitable facts of ageing, sickness and death. It also invites us to reflect on the fact that everything we own and cherish will one day be parted from us and that… Read More