Wave at Byron Bay
This image was taken at the Eastern most point of Australia in March 2014.


Professional Workshops and Therapists Retreat

Malcolm provides workshops for professionals interested in mindfulness, compassion and Buddhist psychology.

Target groups
The workshops and retreats are provided for therapists (e.g. counselors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, GPs, social workers, occupational therapists or other mental health professionals or psychotherapy practitioners). Workshops can be tailored to beginners or advanced practitioners.

Workshop aims

  • To provide an introduction to mindfulness and related practices such as compassion and their therapeutic uses.
  • To enhance the skills and understanding of therapists who already use these skills as part of their therapeutic repertoire.
  • To provide clarity about the contextual basis of mindfulness and related practices by highlighting Buddhist psychology/philosophy.
  • To provide exercises and guidelines for using mindfulness and related practices with specific clinical presentations in group and individual modalities.

The short retreats provide an opportunity for personal practice under qualified guidance.


KYC Dharma talk, Sept 28 2022 Signless Samadhi

This video clip is a Dharma talk describing Signless Samadhi. The speaker considers that Silent Illumination and Shikantaza are the same meditations. He describes samadhi, then what signs are, then signless samadhi.

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KYC Dharma talk March 17, 2022: Healing from the grief and trauma of the floods

This is a Dharma talk given at the Kuan Yin Centre Lismore, NSW Australia after devastating floods with loss of life and destruction of thousands of homes and businesses. It talks about how we develop a traumatic response… Read More

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KYC Dharma talk February 10, 2022. What is mind and resting in awareness

This is a Dharma talk given at the Kuan Yin Centre, Lismore NSW Australia on the 10th of February, 2022. It is about what mind or heart-mind is and resting in awareness.

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